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Labour Economics
Labour Economics is devoted to publishing international research on empirical, theoretical and econometric topics that are of particular interest to labour economists. In particular, Labour Economics gives due recognition to solid empirical work with a strong economic interpretation. From time to time Labour Economics publishes review articles and articles on comparative labour market policies. Special issues and special sections of Labour Economics are available for the publication of collections of high quality topical papers or conference papers.
Send us your past reports
To improve the speed and quality of decisions, Labour Economics encourages authors to provide information relating to prior submission of the paper at other journals. Please include the editor's letter and referee reports accompanied by a response letter. Labour Economics reserves the right to use its own referees and provide these referees with copies of this correspondence.
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Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Journal of labor research
The Journal of Labor Research provides an outlet for original research on all aspects of behavior affecting labor market outcomes. The Journal provides a forum for both empirical and theoretical research on the U.S. and international labor markets, and labor/employment issues. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars in all relevant fields on topics that involve analyses of the workplace. Issues relating to labor markets and employment relations, including labor demand and supply, personnel economics, unions and collective bargaining, employee participation, dispute resolution, labor market policies, types of employment relationships and the interplay between labor market variables and various economic outcomes are published by the Journal. The Journal of Labor Research also publishes book reviews relating to these topics.
- Provides wide-ranging coverage of employment practices and policies
- Focuses on new types of employment relationships, emerging economic and institutional arrangements with respect to labor issues
- Offers objective analyses of employee-related issues
- Published in cooperation with the John M. Olin Institute at George Mason University
British Journal of Industrial Relations
The British Journal of Industrial Relations is a journal of work and employment relations, with a focus on the institutions, policies, and practices associated with these relations and their implications for matters of economy and society. It is both multidisciplinary and international in its scope, contributors, and readership.
Aims and Scope
The journal's purview includes work and employment, work organisation, employer practices, systems of representation and rights at work, trade unionism, state policies, and international organizations. These may intersect with social and economic issues such as work in developing countries, migrant workers, job quality, pay, gender, ethnicity, conflict, and injustice.
We seek original high quality research that makes a generalisable contribution to the understanding or knowledge of the journal's subject matter. International papers are encouraged, although they should be broadly relevant to the journal's core readership, which is primarily British but also European, North American, and Australian.
For submission guidelines and ethical standards, see our notes for contributors.
For details of review process see "The Nuts-and-Bolts of Publishing in the BJIR." Note that Part II explains evaluation and the journal's scope of subject matter:
- Part I: The Process
- Part II: Evaluation Criteria
- Part III: Reasons for Rejection and Concluding Words
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society
Aims and Scope
Corporate restructuring and downsizing, the changing employment relationship in union and nonunion settings, high performance work systems, the demographics of the workplace, and the impact of globalization on national labor markets - these are just some of the major issues covered in Industrial Relations. The journal offers an invaluable international perspective on economic, sociological, psychological, political, historical, and legal developments in labor and employment. It is the only journal in its field with this multidisciplinary focus on the implications of change for business, government and workers.
relations, industrial, corporate, restructuring, downsizing, unions, trade, labor, national, international, economies, economics, sociology, psychology, politics, history, legal, studies, journal, article, reviews, book, analysis, research
Industrial Relations Journal
Aims and Scope
Industrial Relations Journal is a cutting edge, research based, peer reviewed publication focusing on the changing nature, forms and regulation of the employment relationship. Edited by Professor Peter Nolan, the Journal welcomes contributions that further understanding of industrial relations, labour markets, and the organisation and future of work.
With a strong international embrace, the Journal has been at the forefront of the contemporary analysis of state, capital and labour relations in a period of crisis and institutional flux. It aims to lift the quality of academic and policy debate through the publication of theoretically and historically grounded studies of the shifting character of industrial relations in the twenty first century.
industrial, relations, journal, management, law, Europe, European, Union, eastern, EU, labour, reviews, book, annual, review, technology, work, employment, government, research, analysis, periodical, article, studies
International Labour Review
Aims and Scope
The International Labour Review (ILR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of international scope in labour and employment studies. Established in 1921 by decision of the ILO Governing Body, it is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish and administered by the ILO Research Department.
The ILR aims to advance academic research and inform policy debate and decision-making in all fields related to the world of work, such as economics, law, industrial relations, social policy, sociology and history, by publishing and bringing together the original thinking of academics and experts in those fields. It also features concise reports on current developments and reviews of recent major publications considered to be of particular interest to those working in these fields.
It applies an editorial policy that:
- is committed to a rigorous, insightful analysis and the highest scholarly standards;
- fosters diversity and equality of opportunity by strongly encouraging submissions in English, French and Spanish by authors of all generations and from all world regions;
- welcomes manuscripts related to the world of work from all disciplines and encourages the submission of those with an inter-disciplinary approach;
- welcomes both theoretical and empirically-based studies, as well as comparative and international studies, and country-level studies that explore concepts, trends and institutions that are of interest to an international audience;
- promotes a style of writing that is accessible to both academics and policy-makers and a multidisciplinary readership.
Revista Internacional del Trabajo
Objetivos y alcance
La Revista Internacional del Trabajo (RIT) es una revista multidisciplinaria de alcance internacional, revisada por pares, en el ámbito de estudios laborales y de empleo. Establecida en 1921 por decisión del Consejo de Administración de la OIT, se publica trimestralmente en inglés, francés y español y está administrada por el Departamento de Investigaciones de la OIT.
La RIT tiene como objetivo fomentar la investigación académica y alimentar el debate político y la toma de decisiones en todos los campos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo, como la economía, el derecho, las relaciones laborales, la política social, la sociología y la historia, reuniendo y divulgando trabajos originales de académicos y expertos en estos campos. También contiene informes concisos sobre la evolución de la situación actual y reseñas de las principales publicaciones recientes consideradas de especial interés para quienes trabajan en estos campos.
La política editorial de la RIT se basa en los siguientes criterios:
- tiene por finalidad realizar un análisis riguroso y profundo que cumpla los más altos estándares académicos;
- promueve la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades; en ese sentido, alienta a autores de todas las generaciones y de todas las regiones del mundo a que envíen artículos en español, francés o inglés;
- tienen cabida los manuscritos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo de todas las disciplinas, y en particular los artículos que tienen un enfoque interdisciplinario;
- acoge en sus páginas estudios teóricos y empíricos, así como estudios comparativos e internacionales, y estudios a nivel de país que exploran conceptos, tendencias e instituciones que son de interés para un público internacional;
- promueve un estilo de redacción que es accesible tanto para académicos como para los responsables de formular políticas, y una red de lectores multidisciplinaria.