To organize and develop training activities, analysis, consulting, project design and intervention strategies on issues related to the research group, such as:
- Educational and social inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion (functional intellectual diversity, mental health, elderly, women, immigration ...).
- Lifelong learning in and through ICT.
- Technologies for improving learning (Universal Design for Learning (DUA), design of multimedia resources to support specific groups ...).
- Implementation and assessment of e-learning projects.
- Strategies for integrating ICT in the classroom.
- Strategies for improving teaching / learning foreign languages in intercultural contexts.
- Formative evaluation and acquisition of skills.
- Qualitative research methodology.
- Start to teachers, educators and students research.
All aimed at schools, teachers of all stages, educators in social areas, students (Secondary Education and University), and any other group that requires training / advice in the above and related topics.
Última actualización: 10 de Junio de 2016