Title and acronym
“INTELLECTUALLY AND SOCIALLY ACCESSIBLE - On the way to equality: culture as a tool for social inclusion and labour” (ISA CULTURE)
Programme and call
Erasmus+. KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Principal investigator
Project coordinator
Universidad de Burgos
- UCP BRAGA (Portugal)
- Cooperativa de Educação e Reabilitação para Cidadãos mais Incluídos (Portugal)
- Zavod RISA, Center za splošno, funkcionalno in kulturno opismenjevanje (Eslovenia)
- Universidad de Burgos (España)
Overall project budget
120.000 €
Contribution of the Funding agency
120.000 €
UBU´s budget
30.435,30 €
EC contribution
30.435,30 €
Project duration
20 months (01/04/2023 – 01/12/2024)
Project website
In progress
General Objective: Promoting cultural accessibility in vulnerable groups at intellectual and/or social level, contributing to their social inclusion and active participation.
Society is made up of heterogeneous groups of citizens, with multiple characteristics, who face barriers and multiple challenges. Recognizing this reality, diversity and inclusion are current priorities that move away from the reformulation of society to promote accessibility and, consequently, the full participation and inclusion of all. Despite this ambition, there are vulnerable people who face difficulties in accessing equal opportunities, which leaves them in situations of exclusion and low participation. Among the barriers that limit access to society are the physical dimensions (physical disability and/or disability), intellectual (mental disability - intellectual, cognitive and learning - and sensory disability, etc.) and social (situations of exclusion by income level, unemployment, educational level, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.).
The inaccessibility of these groups occurs in different areas of public and private life and culture, which constitutes an aggregating element and has the potential to promote inclusion, in addition to be completely accessible, particularly in the social and intellectual sphere. Therefore, it is urgent to define practices that promote the active inclusion of vulnerable people.