Documentation to be presented by students of Doctoral Programmes regulated by RD 99/2011.
- Commitment to Supervision. Article 11 Doctoral Rules (maximum period of three months, following admission to the doctoral programme).
1: Supervisory functions, tutorship and follow up of the doctorands will be reflected in the Commitment to Supervision, signed by the Director of the Doctoral School, in representation of the University, as well as the Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme and the doctorand, following admission to the Doctoral Programme. This Commitment to Supervision will be attached to the File of Doctorand Activities.
2: In the Commitment to Supervision, the academic relation will be specified between the doctorand and the University, their rights and duties, including the possible rights of intellectual property arising from the research, as well as acceptance of the conflict resolution procedure.
3: The respective duties and rights of the tutor of the doctorand and their thesis director will also be included in the Commitment to Supervision, which they will also sign, once they have been appointed by the Academic Commission, and return to the Doctoral School.
- File of Doctorand Activities. Article 10 Doctoral Rules (this document will open with the Commitment to Supervision and will be renewed on an annual basis).
During the development of the thesis, the doctorand will have to carry out a series of training activities, which will be recorded in a file of doctorand activities (Documento de Activities de Doctorando [DAD]). It can be registered at the Virtual Office.
The training activities can be of two types: transversal and specific. Each doctoral programme has its training plan (included in the verification reports) where those training activities, either obligatory or optative, that will have to be followed must be indicated.
The transversal training is offered at the Doctoral School each academic year, while the specific ones will depend on each Program.
- Research Plan. Article 14 Doctoral Rules (maximum period 6 months following admission to the Doctoral programme).
Within a maximum period of six months after having been admitted to the Doctoral Programme, the doctorand will prepare a Research Plan that will describe the doctoral thesis research project, including at least the methodology to be used and the objectives to be reached, as well as the means and the timeframes that are planned to achieve it, and the language in which the thesis will be written. This document can be registered at the Virtual Office.